
Imagine your future life

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

The future is unknown – but how we imagine it, affects the choices we make in our daily lives. In collaboration with Norsk Folkemuseum, we invite you to share some of your thoughts:  

When you think about the future, what do you imagine? How do you think people will live 30 years from now? How will they travel, eat, dress and work? Which future do you fear? And which future would you aim for?  

We welcome you to participate with your own views in an ongoing conversation about our possible futures. Submitted texts and images are stored in the museum’s collections and will be available to researchers today – and in the future.  

Click here to submit your story (

Events People

IMAGINE kicked off on Zoom

Screenshot of Zoom meeting including images of all participants.

The IMAGINE consortium gathered for the first time on Zoom on the 26th of January 2022. We would have preferred to be present in the same physical space, since getting to know each other on a screen is not the same. Hopefully the pandemic will allow for such a meeting in the near future. Nevertheless, we had an inspiring day of listening to and discussing each others perspectives and experiences, and are looking forward to embarking on the numerous tasks of IMAGINE. This was our agenda:

09:00Welcome and introduction to IMAGINENina Heidenstrøm
09:30Theories of imaginationRick Dolphijn and Virginie Amilien
10:00Ethnological methods and archive question listsAudun Kjus
10:3010 min break 
10:40Research through design and art – tangible imaginariesDan Lockton, Nenad Pavel, Joanne Cramer
11:10Creating a space for critical discussion, mutual understanding and co-creationMarie Hebrok and Æra innovation studio
11:40Platforms for knowledge exchangeDan Welch
12:1030 min lunch break 
12:40Communication and disseminationHarald Throne-Holst and Henry Mainsah
13:10Summing up, discussion, practical issues, and planningNina Heidenstrøm and all