New IMAGINE researcher and project coordinator
Sociologist Atle Wehn Hegnes will join the IMAGINE team from the 15th of August 2022. Atle will be responsible for coordinating the project in the coming year.
WP1 – Mine – Identify dominant imaginaries in documents, media and essays
•An initial list of what the team members suggested as useful objects to study
•Narrowed down the movies for the analysis to those who deal with space travel. Work in progress to systematize findings from the movies
•The WP1 team has gathered and read different theories of imagination and sorted them into categories
•Emphasis on Ricoeur’s theory through a feminist Marxist perspective has been initially developed and will be presented to the team in the workshop on the 9th June
WP2 – Explore
•Developed questionnaire for the data collection of everyday stories about the future – inspired by a similar data collection at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm (January-February)
•Finalisation of the collection site at
•Application to and ethical approval from the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD) (April-May)
•Pilot testing of the questionnaire (April)
•Public dissemination about the data collection (May)
•Launch date 19th May
•Collection period: May 2022 and until we get 100 stories
WP3 – Design
•New WP3 team member: James Lowley, PhD Candidate at OsloMet.
•Masters course MAPD5000, Technology and Design at OsloMet will start in November and includes 15 students. A pilot has been conducted
•10 Master students at TU/e are working on representations of futures of “moving”
•4 Bachelor students at TU7e are working on representations of “dressing” and several more on “eating”.
•Master and Bachelor students working on how we relate to time and how that affects our thoughts about the future
WP5 – Exchange
•Present workshop is the first of three during the project period
•Second half of the workshop will be arranged on the 30th August
WP6 – Disseminate
•Established and updated this website
•Established and updated social media profiles:
•Imaginesustainability on Instagram
•@ImagineSustain1 on Twitter
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