How is life in 30 years? A bunch of Norwegians were asked what they think about the future. The answers are charecterised by fear for the technological development and climate change. What also gives people hope?
Project leader Nina Heidenstrøm participated in the NRK Radio show and podcast EKKO, where she was asked about the consumer stories collected in WP 2 and the report about them.

In the episode, Nina is asked about the pessimistic stance in many of the stories, like the quote below:
I believe the world 30 years from now is severely marked by climate destruction…
But there is still hope in creating a slower world, with less work and more self-sufficient living.
Nina explains that the first goal is to see if there are some dominating narratives of the future or if there are just a well of different narratives out there. The second goal is to compare the consumer narratives with narratives from policymakers and businesses. Whether they think the same or not is important because policymakers and businesses are the main drivers in shaping the future.
Nina further explains that it’s not a representative collection of stories, but that it gives an idea of the narratives out there.
Click here to listen to the full episode of EKKO (in Norwegian) on
Or dive into all the findings in the report from WP1 here.