What if shared e-cars became the norm? Torstein Kjenne imagines shared, driver-less cars taking over Oslo.

Through a series of fake newspaper articles, Kjenne highlights the potential fallacies of introducing driverless, shared cars.
The result of the imaginary made for this project has been a good starting point for the important discussions about shared mobility, and sharing economy for the future. If this really is the future we want to live in then I think a good way of starting is looking at how e.g. the shared e-scooter service looked like in the beginning and how that “sustainable shared economy” really worked. Maybe shared cars won’t have the same challenges we’ve seen with the scooters, but let’s think twice before we just put thousands of them into the city and hope that it works. It clearly didn’t! That is exactly why I chose to tell that story about shared cars like this.
Torstein Kjenne

The provotype also brougt up broader questions around the sharing economy – if the users do not actually own the products, then who is responsible for taking care of them?