What if in the future we shift to a fully synthetic food
By inviting them to engage with a provotype consisitng of a brochure and a real meal presented in a petri dish, Marco Dylan Branconi explores consumer perceptions of synthetic food.

From the interview it emerges that the act of eating is becoming an increasingly less social but rather necessary activity. Meals are no longer seen as a fundamental moment that mark the day. We opt for quick alternatives both in preparation and consumption. So, what direction should synthetic food take? Will it go along with the trend of fast consumption?
Marco Dylan Branconi

Based on existing technolgies, Branconi imagined a dish consisting of cultivated algae, lab grown egg yolk and tuna, represented by rocket noodles, egg yolk and bluberries in the provtype.
The work raises questions around our eating habits and how they may change: at what pace? in what direction? The technology exists but are we ready for it?